Saturday, 28 March 2015

[W4b] Ketidaksamaan dalam Digital Divide?

Seperti yang kita sedia tahu, dengan adanya teknologi dan internet segala pengaksesan dan perkongsian maklumat adalah tanpa batasan. Dengan adanya teknologi dan internet, komunikasi antara manusia adalah mudah tanpa mengira jarak dan waktu. Malah, kita hanya perlu menaip untuk mencari maklumat di mana-mana saja tanpa perlu bergegas ke perpustakaan untuk mengetahui sesuatu perkara.  Namun, digital divide memberi batasan kepada sesetengah golongan untuk mengakses maklumat dan teknologi komunikasi mengikut kawasan dan demografi. Sebagai contoh, rangkaian internet di Kuching adalah lebih pantas berbanding di kawasan perkampungan seperti Lundu. Di samping itu, digital divide juga memberi impak terhadap ketidaksamaan. 

Berdasarkan artikel From Unequal Access to Differentiated Use: A Literature Review and Agenda for Research on Digital Inequality, perkongsian pada hari ini adalah tentang kesan digital divide dalam konteks sosial. Antaranya ialah pengurangan daya saing meningkatkan ketidaksamaan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dalam sektor pekerjaan. Pengurus sesebuah syarikat akan mengambil golongan pakar untuk bekerja malah menawarkan gaji yang lebih tinggi berbanding golongan yang kurang mahir. Golongan yang kurang mahir berkecenderung untuk dibuang kerja atau ditawarkan posisi yang lebih rendah yang gaji yang sedikit. Ini merupakan langkah yang mudah diambil oleh pengurus syarikat dalam menggurangkan kadar bayaran gaji serta hasil yang lumayan kerana golongan yang pakar dapat melakukan kerja yang mungkin dilakukan oleh 4-5 orang pekerja yang kurang mahir. Namun, golongan yang kurang mahir akan terus kekal di bawah kerana tidak diberi peluang untuk belajar perkara baru.

Mengambil Malaysia sebagai satu contoh, mereka yang berasal dari bandar terdedah kepada lebih banyak penggunaan gajet-gajet digital. Manakala mereka yang berasal dari kampung pula tiada peluang yang sedemikian. Pada era digital ini, semestinya mereka yang pandai menggunakan gajet-gajet akan diupah untuk bekerja. Mereka yang tidak tahu tentang gajet-gajet pula disisihkan, dan kehidupan mereka tidak akan menjadi maju. 

Selain itu, teknologi baru juga mempengaruhi ketidaksamaan dalam struktur masyarakat. Teknologi semakin hari semakin meningkat serta memudahkan kerja manusia. Dalam sektor perindustrian, penggunaan teknologi moden telah meningkatkan hasil produk yang membawa keuntungan kepada sesebuah syarikat kerana tidak perlu mengupah ramai pekerja. Kesannya, kadar pengangguran semakin meningkat terutama golongan buruh. Oleh yang demikian, mereka tidak mampu untuk membiayai teknologi yang canggih serta rangkaian internet. Ini memberi kesan terhadap pengaksesan maklumat yang berbeza mengikut lapisan masyarakat.

Secara konklusinya, masalah ekoran digital divide ini seolah-olahnya tidak dapat diselesaikan dengan senang. Di sebaliknya, masalah ini hanya akan semakin menular. Tanpa dirasai, terdapat pelbagai kesan kepada masyarakat terhasil daripada digital divide. Pada pendapat anda, adakah digital divide turut memberi kesan positif kepada masyarakat?

Friday, 27 March 2015

[W4a] Printed news vs online news

In this fast pace digital age, news media is playing an important role in the daily life of peoples. Nowadays, peoples are never depend only on newspaper to gather information but they able to read news through a variety of mediums. Online news is one of the best choice among peoples. This is due to growing of Internet. As long as readers can connect to Internet, they can know what were happening in whole over the world in anytime and everywhere by just a click on the fingertips. Undeniably, it causes challenges to the traditional news. The readership of newspaper had decreased dramatically recently. This phenomenon can be clearly seen especially among younger generation. Younger generation who engaged themselves more often to the Internet and therefore they prefer to read online news than printed news. 

There are a lot of newspaper in Malaysia such as New Straits Times, The Sun, Malaysia Today, Kosmo!, Sin Chew Daily, China Press, Nan Yang and etc. Among all the printed newspaper, most of it had their online portal news.  Although both printed and online news are serves as source of news, there are still some differences between them. Firstly, online news allows people to share it easily. People can share the news to any social media like Facebook and Twitter. For example, people widely spread  the news regarding Lee Kuan Yew after he had passed away. Then, there are many people sent their condolences to Lee Kuan Yew through social media. However, readers of printed news can only share the news to the people surrounding by bringing the printed news along. Or else, readers of printed can only tell it orally without showing the photo and the news. 


News regarding Lee Kun Yew's funeral was share on Facebook.

Readers of online news can get more information than the printed news. Readers who read the online news can get more information in online news than printed news. This is because there is not spaces restriction in online news. Therefore journalist can write a longer and deeper news to their readers. Some news are linked to the related news to make the readers clear about the whole story or know more about the cases. As an example, news reported on the searching of evidence to prove the death of Beng Hock was linked to the news reported on the redress of the death from Beng Hock's family members and friends. 

There are also links provided after the news for readers to know about others news or information. There are other links provided to the readers in the online news. So, readers can get others form of information in other webpage after they click on the links provided. However, the varieties of information in printed news are limited. Readers can only get the information printed in newspapers only.

Links provided after the news to

Besides that, online news allows interactive communication. Peoples can give their feedback and opinion after reading the news in online which was impossible to be done in printed news. Peoples can have discussion about the content of the online news with other readers from different country too. They can voice out either they agree or disagree to the news. For printed news, people can just read it but they cannot give any comments on it. For example, people discuss a lot regarding the German plane crashes in French. They are encourage to sent their feedback to the journalist as well. 

Readers are welcome to give their comment and email to the related journalists.

Moreover, there are more high quality photos to be shared in online news. As we can see that, normally there are only one or two photo to be shared in printed news. This is due to the limited spaces provided to report the news. If there is requests to get a wider spaces to report the news, more expenses need to be paid and it is very expensive. The photo in printed news are also low in quality. Most of the photo in printed news are in black and white to reduce its costs. Although some of the photo is printed with color, the photos are still blur. However, there are more high quality photo to be shared in online news. The space provided for an online news are unlimited. The photos are also compulsory in color. Readers feeling are strongly affected by those photos share in the news. It had make the online news more interesting than the printed news.

More photos regarding the funeral of Lee Kuan Yew are showed in online news.

Moreover, online news are updated from time to time. Readers can receive the latest news in the very first second.. However, the printed news are not so freely to report the latest news. They can only report a news when they are going to print the newspapers on the next day. For example, online news portal can update the latest news for natural disaster like floods, earthquakes and tsunamis in the very first second compared to printed news which can only report about it on the next day. Therefore, more readers prefer to engage themselves to the online news instead of printed news as they think that printed news are not necessarily report on the "latest" news. 

As conclusion, there are more readership on online news compare to printed news. Printed news are facing challenges from online news. If printed news do not make some changes on it, newspaper may be can only be seen in museum for the next generation. What do you think the printed news should make any changes to prevent it from getting extinct in society?