In 1991,
Malaysia former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad called for the
nation to achieve Vision 2020 (Wawasan 2020). This vision is achieved when
Malaysians are successful in all aspects of life, such as reaching financial,
social and political stability, as well as high education levels. One out of
the nine challenges outlined in order to achieve Vision 2020 is about the roles
played by sciences and technologies. Tun Dr. Mahathir believes that only a
scientific society can yield a progressive country. Vision 2020 made every
Malaysians so passionate and hopeful back then in 1991. However, when the time has
come close, we realise, it might not be as easy to achieve what we planned to
have in 2020. The problem with technology is, it moves way too fast, faster
than we can handle, at some point.
Malaysian, named Puah Khein Seng and his friends invented USB flash drive in
2000. It was a big invention back then! A 4Gb pendrive used to be sold at the
price hundreds Ringgit Malaysia. But now you can easily get one at RM30 or so.
This illustrates how fast the technologies can develop. At this moment, we even
have 500 GB and 1000 GB flash drive already. Isn’t this shocking and fascinating
at the same time?
Puah, the inventor of USB flash drive.
the speaker in video ‘Shift 2020’ emphasizes at the beginning of the video, ‘change’
is essential and is inevitable. In merely 10 years time, 50% of companies which
were so successful got eliminated. This elimination, again, reminds us how
important it is for the peoples, corporation and even products to CHANGE
themselves accordingly based on the development of environment and needs. And
then, of course, we would like see more changes towards the goods, so human
beings and other living creatures can benefit from the changes; instead of
changes which in turn just make the corporations earn more money but bring more
harm to the world.
Shift 2020 talks on how technology would impact us
in near future. [click to watch on Youtube]
of the technologies are invented to counterattack problems we faced in life. In
these recent years, Inphiniti thinks the world has starting to realise that
natural disasters are no longer a simple issue. We had Haiti Earthquake in
2010, Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011, New Zealand Earthquake in 2011,
East Africa Drought in 2011, Malaysia East Coast Flooding in 2014 and many
others. These natural disasters killed more than thousands of lives. Due to the
polluted environment, scientists expect there will be even more similar
disasters happening in the future. Inphiniti wishes to have new technologies in
2020 which could help the world in overcoming these problems.
Homes: Our Future Homes?
the name goes, this possibly-our-future-home can survive in both land and
water. In order to tackle flooding problem, Baca Architects came out with
amphibious houses idea. The concept of amphibious house is easy- it floats on
the water. When no flooding happens, the house stay on the ground, but when the
water comes in, the water fills up the lower ground. The buoyant force of the
water will make the house floats on the water, so the inhabitants will not be
affected by the flood water.
The concept of amphibious houses is to allow the water to float the house,
instead of sinking it.
Cities: Fulfilling our mermaids and mermen dream
might think, since sea level is rising, and years later, our home right now
will be on the ocean floor, why not we just build our home in the ocean? Well,
for your information, there are underwater houses already, at this very moment.
However, the houses are used for various purposes. None of the houses are for
living, yet. Many companies are looking into the possibility of building
underwater buildings for future accommodation. U.S. Submarine Structures, as an
example was planning on a building of underwater resort. For peoples who enjoy
underwater experience, remember to buy an underwater house!
Future underwater city might look like this.
This video talks on various underwater facilities
available now in the world. [Click to watch on Youtube]
Cities: A Solution to Land Shortage
is known for its shortage of land. To solve this problem, Japan is planning to
carry out a floating artificial city project. So if the plan works, the future
city of Japan will be on the surface of water. Each city can contain around
100, 000 people. The cities are built on top of artificial water lilies-like
structure, and the cities will be surrounded by forests and fields. In short,
Japanese might be living on the water, in a city which has forests and houses.
How creative can the Japanese be?
This is the expected view of floating city.
Floating city is expected to be ideal for living.
Detailed explanation on how the floating city works.
[click to watch video on Youtube]
Next Big Thing: 3D Printing
than solving natural disasters problem, Inphiniti also wants the new
technologies to help even more peoples. 3D printing had a lot of attention in
these few years, especially in the fields of medical and architectures. We have
seen 3D printing brings so much hope to the peoples, especially children, due
to its low cost materials and printing.
2014, e-NABLE a group of volunteer community starts giving children who was
born without body parts (including fingers, arms, legs, etc.) 3D printed
prosthetic body parts. Before the existence of this technology, children rarely
get to have prosthetic body parts, because they are growing too fast, and
prosthetic body parts are too expensive to be replaced frequently. However, as
the 3D printers allow low cost printing, it can help the children a lot.
Children get to do more things with their prosthetic hands.
[Click to watch video on Youtube]
being in general can also gain benefits from the 3D printing. When a person lost
his body parts in an car accident, as an instance, 3D printing allows the
doctor to reattach printed and functioning body parts onto the patience’s body.
However, 3D printing on body organs and relatively smaller body parts still
requires more researching.
3D printing helps more than children.
[Click to watch video on Youtube]
change of technology is undeniably fast. But not all changes are truly helpful
to the world. Many projects which could help the world are not invested,
because they do not have high returns. However, we should realise, if we do not
see far enough, we, will be eliminated by the natural too.
thinks that future accommodation and 3D printing deserve more attention in
future technology development. Dear readers, what do you think?
I personally like it the most when the author emphasizes on the 3D printing in this blog post. One year ago, I came across a drama episode in Grey Anatomy (medical drama series), the doctor in the drama used 3D printer to produce a trachea for a child, and have saved the child's life. 3D printing was not even popular during that time, and I am sure that the storyline is not true. However, the possibility of using 3D printer to save lives has got my attention. Few months ago, through the news, I get to know that e-NABLE has already started to print prosthetic hands to unfortunate children. Interestingly, the children even got to select their favourite hero design! Then i realise, how technology can help to change a life of a person. I used to think, if 3D printing does not exist, then what would happen to the boys and girls in the video? I am sure this technology has made their lives much more better and complete.
ReplyDeleteOther than 3D printing, I also know about the use of nano technology in curing diseases. So, in the future, human might just have to take a pill which would work wonders in our bodies. The pill contains nano technology which can trap cancer cells and diseases. Imagine if this technology is used right now, so many peoples would not have to die. Cancer patients also can escape from torturing chemotherapy and body parts amputations.
Thank you for posting such interesting article. As to answer your question, I think, technology that can help the public and other living organisms should come first.
Hi Inphiniti. I like both technologies which are future accommodation and 3D printing. Both technologies are great and able contribute to society. However, I think future technology should focus on the environment.
ReplyDeleteAs human civilization, nation is going to be developed. This development has threatened the environment. Problem of environment such as global warming, greenhouse effect, extinction of rare animals, ice melting at Antarctic and Arctic and so on are getting worst and harmful to our earth. If the environment of the earth is getting worse, our future generation cannot be survive.
Although the new technology able to improve the quality life of a human being, but environment cannot be preserved, human are unable to live longer and enjoy themselves in those new technologies, am I right?
But anyway thank you for such an interesting article, I gain some knowledge too!
Saya sangat tertarik dengan artikel tersebut dan berpendapat bahawa penciptaan teknologi yang canggih amat penting pada masa kini dan masa hadapan. Penciptaan teknologi yang canggih adalah penting untuk memudahkan manusia di samping mengurangkan penggunaan sumber semula jadi yang semakin berkurangan pada masa kini. Kita tidak boleh bergantung sepenuhnya dengan sumber semula jadi kerana sumber tersebut pasti akan habis suatu hari nanti. Bukan itu sahaja teknologi juga penting untuk mengurangkan bencana alam seperti banjir kilat, tsunami dan sebagainya. Bukan itu sahaja, teknologi banyak membantu dalam bidang perubatan, kesihatan, infrastruktur dan sebagainya.
ReplyDeleteSaya bercadang agar negara kita Malaysia tidak ketinggalan untuk menjana inovasi dalam bidang sains dan teknologi yang mampu memberi kemudahan kepada manusia generasi akan datang. Penerokaan teknologi dari masa ke semasa haruslah dilakukan seiring dengan apa yang dilakukan oleh negara lain.
Perkembangan teknologi haruslah menyeluruh dalam semua bidang termasuk bidang perubatan, pertanian, infrastruktur, makanan, dan sebagainya. Ini penting untuk memastikan supaya negara kita tidak menghadapi masalah kehabisan sumber pada masa akan datang. Namun teknologi yang dihasilkan haruslah mengambil kira akan kepentingan alam sekitar dan ekosistem.
Berdasarkan artikel di atas, kita dapat lihat betapa cepat perkembangan teknologi serta betapa canggihnya peralatan-peralatan ataupun seni bina yang dapat meningkatkan keselesaan dan memenuhi keperluan manusia. Tidak dinafikan bahawa perkembangan teknologi memberi kebaikan termasuklah dapat meningkatkan lagi pengetahuan tanpa perlu bersusah-payah untuk pergi ke perpustakaan untuk mencari buku. Hal ini disebabkan saya baru mengetahui tentang perkembangan percetakan 3D hari ini dapat memberi manfaat bukan sahaja dalam aspek seni bina, malah aspek perubatan dengan membaca perkongsian maklumat dalam blog ini.
ReplyDeleteSetelah membaca perkongsian tentang percetakan 3D, saya berpendapat bahawa ia sangat penting untuk dipertingkatkan lagi agar manfaat dapat dinikmati oleh masyarakat. Dengan adanya percatakan 3D ini, golongan yang tidak mempunyai sesetengah bahagian badan dengan sempurna akibat kemalangan dapat melengkapi kekurangan dengan menggunakan bahagian tubuh badan palsu seperti kaki,dan tangan, yang diperbuat daripada prosthetic.
Akhir sekali, terima kasih kerana mengetengahkan topik ini dan saya mendapat pengetahuan tentang teknologi 3d dan seni bina pada masa kini.
Hai Inphiniti dan terima kasih atas artikel yang menarik ini.
ReplyDeleteSaya sangat setuju dengan teknologi yang menekankan fasiliti-fasiliti dan teknologi percetakan 3D yang menekankan kepentingan untuk kita. Namun saya juga sangat bersetuju dengan pendapat Koh Hwee Sian yang menekankan mengenai perkembangan teknologi baru ini harus seiring dengan penjagaan alam sekitar, hidupan lain di muka bumi ini.
Tambahan lagi, dengan dunia yang semakin mengganas pada hari ini. Perang Israel dan Palestin misalnya, bukan sahaja meragut beratus ribu nyawa bahkan telah menyiksa pelbagai jenis khazanah dunia yang mungkin hanya terdapat di sana. Umumnya, sesetengah manusia akan mengambil kesempatan atas perkembangan demi perkembangan dalam penggunaan teknologi ini. Percetakan 3D ini sangat penting sekali terutama bagi mangsa-mangsa perang dan saya tertanya-tanya jika Japan boleh mencipta bandar terapung, adakah pada satu hari nanti akan wujud bandar anti-perang dimana bandar tersebut dilindungi dengan pelbagai jenis teknologi yang menyukarkan bandar tersebut susah untuk dimusnahkan walaupun menggunakan bom yang kuat.
Kesimpulannya, dengan perkembangan yang cepat seperti ini, banyak memberikan kebaikan kepada manusia dan juga terdapat keburukan kepada kita dan alam sekitar. Harapan saya, Malaysia akan dapat membina kemajuan yang sistematik dan seimbang.
Salam sejahtera semua. Sebuah artikel yang menarik berkenaan dengan perkembangan teknologi. Namun begitu, aspek yang perlu dipertimbangkan terutama sekali apabila berkaitan dengan teknologi adalah tahap kesemasaan sesebuah teknologi tersebut selari dengan keadaan dunia. Sebagai contoh, kita boleh lihat bahawa dunia sekarang mengalami pelbagai jenis bencana alam yang secara tidak langsungnya dipengaruhi ataupun disebabkan oleh sikap manusia sendiri. Perkembangan teknologi yang pesat mungkin boleh membantu manusia khususnya dalam menghadapi bencana-bencana alam tersebut. Seperti yang kita boleh lihat dalam artikel di atas, kemudahan untuk menempatkan manusia jika mengalami masalah peningkatan paras air sudah pun dirancang, malah ada yang sudah dibina untuk tujuan-tujuan tertentu. Hal ini merupakan sesuatu yang positif bagi kita terutama sekali apabila dikaitkan dengan kelangsungan generasi pada masa akan datang.
ReplyDeleteBerkenaan dengan percetakan 3D pula, ia merupakan sesuatu yang bermakna kepada golongan yang kekurangan anggota badan disebabkan oleh hal-hal tertentu seperti kemalangan ataupun dilahirkan dengan keadaan yang kurang sempurna bahagian anggota badan.
Persoalannya, adakah perkembangan teknologi tersebut hanya dilihat melalui kesan baiknya terhadap manusia? Apakah pula kesannya terhadap alam sekitar?
It is awesome. I can't imagine that technology lives beyond human. Nowadays, technology had turned impossible into success. People who suffer in lives were helped by technology to have a better living. The advancement of technology could even gave a "new life" to people who faced amputation. For example, 3D printed prosthetic body parts as shown in the video. It was really very helpful.
ReplyDeleteHowever, technology can be harmful too. For example, people misuse technology to produce atomic bombs, weapons and people become less self-reliant. Therefore, creators and users must be well educated. Creators should use technology to produce something that bring convenience to people and environment friendly. Besides, users should use technology wisely to overcome obstacles in lives and help each other to solve problems instead of create problems to others.
In my opinion, technology can improve people lives and on the other hand technology could make the world turn out worst. What we really need is education to maximize the advantages of technology and minimize the disadvantages of technology.
Satu artikel yang sangat menarik untuk dikongsikan.
ReplyDeleteTeknologi-teknologi baru yang Inphiniti kongsikan dalam artikel ini dapat membuka mata masyarakat dan berfikiran secara lebih meluas bahawa setiap masalah di dunia bukan sahaja dapat diselesaikan dengan menganalisis dan hanya kata-kata sahaja. Saya sangat tertarik dengan Bandar terapung seperti di Japan. Perkara ini menunjukkan bahawa negara tersebut menggunakan teknologi dengan faedah iaitu untuk menyelesaikan masalah kekurangan tanah disbabkan penduduk yang padat. Untuk mencapai sebuah negara yang maju kita harus bijak memikirkan kegunaan sesuatu teknologi untuk kebaikan semua orang bukan sekadar digunakan untuk mendapatkan populariti sahaja.
Jika disentuh melalui aspek alam sekitar mungkin boleh memberi satu kesan yang buruk terutama kepada kehidupan laut. Aspek ini juga perlu dititikberatkan agar semua kehidupan ekosistem di dunia ini tidak terjejas.
Kesimpulannya disini saya berharap negara kita Malaysia harus lebih bijak dalam memikirkan sesuatu pembaharuan dalam sesebuah teknologi agar masyarakat kita akan lebih kagum dan mampu setanding dengan negara lain.
Those ideas of helping kids with their augmentation is great but I think we should focus more about saving lives. One of the technologies that I think can help saving lives (or to reduce death percentage) is Autonomous Car. To make it easier, think aeroplane with it's auto-pilot function. Autonomous car is a car that drive itself. According to an articles that I read before, this new technologies could save up to 21,700 lives and 450 Billion USD a year! Isn't that fascinating? I think people should focus more on this because it's not just saving people's life, it might save yours. Who knows?
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying that those 3D printing ideas is not important, but we need to do something with the statistics. I mean, nearly 1.3 billion death a year? This need to be stopped.
Hello Inphiniti,
ReplyDeleteSaya sangat tertarik dengan artikel yang dikongsikan oleh anda. Kedua-dua teknologi ini sangat membantu dari segi perkembagan pembangunan sesebuah negara dan menyembuhkan pelbagai penyakit yang dihidapi oleh masyarakat masa kini.
Seinring dengan kemajuan yang dapat kita lihat masa kini, banyak pembangunan serta nercu tanda dibina untuk menunjukkan kemegahan dalam sesebuah negara. Tetapi, sedarkah kita bahawa alam sekitar kita semakin terjejas dengan kepelbagaian aktiviti manusia yang tidak bermoral. Sebagai contoh, baru-baru ini negara kita telah dilanda banjir yang agak teruk hingga menyebabkan pelbagai kemusnahan yang berlaku terutamanya tempat tinggal. Menurut artikel yang diterbitkan oleh Bernama bertarikh 14 mac 2015, antara punca berlakunya banjir adalah disebabkan masalah segelintir masyarakat yang tidak bertanggungjawab dengan melakukan pembalakan haram. Jadi, bagi saya adalah lebih baik sekiranya teknologi moden hari ini digunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya tanpa menjejaskan alam sekitar seperti menggondolkan hutan untuk tujuan pembangunan.
Berkenaan dengan 3D pula, ia adalah satu inisiatif untuk membantu individu yang tidak berkeupayaan. Saya sangat tertarik dengan teknologi ini kerana ia amat memudahkan golongan tertentu untuk merasa kehidupan manusia normal yang lengkap dari segi fizikal tubuh badan. Adakah negara kita Malaysia mampu untuk melakukan perkara yang sama seperti ini?